Cloud rays have territorial respect for others of their species and, with very few exceptions, do not intrude into another ray’s air space. After a good meal, cloud rays will sometimes psionically dream travel while their meal digests. The ray has no true stomach, preferring to swallow prey whole and grind the victim to liquid on its interior jaw ridges to help aid with digestion. They have a special fondness for rocs, pterrax, and flying humanoids. A cloud ray’s preferred diet consists of devouring other flying creatures. Those hapless enough to be standing on a ray when it decides to become airborne may become its next meal. On rare occasions, they land on the ground and may be mistaken for an outcropping rock. The zip is also used in a complex signaling system that is only understood by other cloud rays.Ĭloud rays wander aimlessly through the Athasian skies always searching for their next meal. The interior mouth or maw (20 + feet across) is lined with row upon row of razor-sharp cartilage ridges.

The zip is comprised of razor-sharp, barbed ridges that grow at the tip of the spine. Down the back from the bulge runs a spine that becomes a long, thin, whip-like tail that ends in an appendage known as a zip. They have four jet-black eyes, two mounted on each side of the snout and the other two on each side of the cranial bulge. Sets of ridges protect the creatures’ eyes. They are speckled-brown on top and drab olive and white underneath. Cloud rays can sometimes be seen crossing the evening sky.Ĭloud rays have a broad, flattened body and flap their huge pectoral fins to aid their psionic flight powers. Through the skies and clouds of Athas slowly fly these deadly giants. These are the creatures found in those regions. In various places, springs and underground streams bubble to the surface, forming small pools around which a verdant belt of vegetation grows. Verdant BeltsĪthas is an arid world, but it is not entirely waterless. Specifically, I’m dividing the creatures up by the random encounter tables.įirst, are the monsters of the verdant belts.

Currently, I’m working through the MC12: The Dark Sun Monstrous Compendium – Terrors of the Desert. The Dark Sun bestiary conversion continues.

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